The LeToonz Mobile App-Suite – Ah-Ha Tracker – Flo-Tracker & Path-of-Ah-Ha

The Evolution-Revolution or EvoReVo!

 We start with the LeToonz Mobile App-Suite:
Ah-Ha Tracker – Flo-Tracker & Path-of-Ah-Ha

and these force the migration to …  A New OS

 In the beginning we have…“WeMe” – Visualizing the Evolution of a YOUnique Human SELF!

(WeMe will provide the first ever metrics for the visualized evolution of individuals and individual groups, and prescriptions for optimal human synergy around the world.)

What does the very first version of the WeMe App-Suite have to do to be successful?

  • WeMe has to deliver, and continue to deliver, unique, genuine and personal value.
  • Users have to want to see what they “look like” as YOUniquely measured individuals, and as compared to others.
  • Users have to have ah-ha’s through tracking their ah-ha’s that they find valuable for themselves and others.
  • Metric visualization has to be outstanding.
  • YOUnique metric visualizations per YOUnique user must offer overlay and superpositioning features that are also outstanding.
  • Users have to want to share the “experience and the value” with others.
  • WeMe data upload has to be very easy to do and very little time to do it.
  • It has to look, sound and feel kewl as well as be kewl. 

The LeCozmos topology imagery will become the functional, dynamic 4-dimensional visualization medium. 

Our YOUnique LeCozmos

In LeCozmos we have an analogue topological system of evolving imagery that starts with a sign wave that becomes a mobius strip that evolves into a toroid and then into connecting toroids, and ultimately an nth dimensional nested-toroid that represents a singular YOUnique individual.  These toroids will be able to overlay upon each other to measure “fit” or potential human synergy.  That’s the plan anyway.

Making all this happen will take a ton of work and some cash.  The easy part it do start something simply, Versions 1.0-1.5 for example, and build up to this nested toroidal Version 3.0 correlative place.  
Version 1.0
Through their socnet interface (iphone, palm, wrist watch, blackberry, laptop, etc) the user enters numeric data that reflects the number of insights or “Ah-Ha” events they have had (or are having) at any point throughout their day (or when a user wakes up with dream insights to be recorded).  Users then have a choice to enter another discrete numeric which reflects their sense of time that has passed since they made their last entry.  Flo data reflects your “sense of time” passing or your experience of “felt-time.

Your Ah-Ha and Flo data entry behavior on your iPhone or Palm or Blackberry (etc) or laptop would be something like this:

  • You realize you are having an ah-ha, a series of ah-ha’s, or that you recently had an ah-ha or series apple-iphone-in-hand-thumbof ah-ha’s previously.
  • You hit (press, click, speak to) your Ah-Ha Tracker application icon on your “device” touch screen.
  • When the app opens you choose/press the icon ”Ah-Ha Rec.”
  • The screen opens to your Ah-Ha Tracker image/metaphor which, in this case, you chose to be a series of different pizza sizes – could be shoes, golf links, etc.
  • You click the XL Pizza image 1x, the Large Pizza image 3x’s, the Medium Pizza image 10x’s and then hit the “Next” button.
  • You then you enter 30 in the new (next) FloTracker screen. (You just made a Flo record stating that it “feels like” 30 minutes have passed since the last time you entered data 2 hours ago.)
  • You close your phone and your data uploads to all of your various profile screens in Facebook, MySpace, Twitter (coming), LinkedIn, Hi-5, Plaxo, etc.
  • You can check to see your personal YOUnique Toroid and other personal YOUnique evolutionary data graphics online by hitting the Ah-Ha app and choose “MeMirror.” 
  • You can check to see everyone else’s, or the We of WeMe, by hitting the Ah-Ha app and choose “WeMirror.”

That’s it, your YOUnique Hu-Metric, or human-metric, record loaded up in 8-10 secs max!

Version 2.0
This personal evolution-data metric adds up.  It becomes YOUniquely patterned and then it is superpostioned on everything you think and do. Everything you do as-in… places you travel physically; your web behavior and email content; your live meetings and web-meetings and dialogue and texting; your YouTube visits, posts and posts you check out; and most importantly “your own” work and content creation and content affecting work.

More really cool stuff comes alive with your WeMe Ah-Ha/Flo data over time – the “Compares” – comparisons w/Others.  Others that you know; and comparisons with people you cease to know; and correlations to people you do not yet know but that you have complementary and/or parallel “data-relations” with and, and, and…

LeToonz Variables Measured - AskYourSelf - LetGo - Ah-Ha - DoIt - BeIt - Flo

You and others can, for the first time EVER, actually see and measure your growth, learning and evolution. You would be able to see your ah-ha and flo data patterns merge with your life “doing” and thinking” patterns… and those of others around you and around the world. 

Version 3.0
This is the transformational Version.  Here is where you will be able to go from who you are – based on where you have been – to who you are based on who you are born to be.

At the next level “WeMe” will help anybody who uploads genuine WeMe data discover their unique and natural gifts, talents and dispositions.  WeMe helps us discover and then live our TruSelf and as a seamless consequence, our destined Purpose… On-Purpose.

(J. Brian Hennessy Copyright 1986-2011)

AskYourSelf or AskYo’Self _ LeToonz Character

Ask Yourself new (6) (Medium)Abridged Version

            Ask Yourself represents the process of questioning one’s own thinking and/or actions.  Ask Yourself is the asking the important questions about Who, What, When and Why many times each day. Ask yourself wants you to learn the answers about your thinking, your feeling, your believing and even those things you disbelieve.  Ask Yourself wants you to know yourself and the world a whole lot better. Ask Yourself wants you to ask lots of questions from your head and your heart.

 Unabridged Version

            Ask Yourself is, asking yourself and asking Ourselves. AY is the Thinker. AY is the Feeler. AY is the Processor of Thoughts and Feelings. AY is Dreams.  AY is Logic.  AY is Emotions & Moods.  AY is The Supreme Processor both rational and irrational or any mix of both.  AY is Strategy and Tactics whether they be how to use food coupons to save a buck or how to survive in a thermo-nuclear war.  AY is the Visioner and Planner.  AY is the Visualizer and Imaginer.  AY is all things of the Heart and Mind that deal with Processing. AY adds and subtracts and does differential equations too.  AY Reflects.  AY Asks Questions in general.  AY does so inside our head and heart or spoken outside or a personal mix of both. AY can process things using the Heart or Mind or both at once, as a Whole.  AY happens within and among us.  Teams AY together and do so to varying degrees of success.  A team can be parents, a research group, the UN in session, a PTA or kids playing basketball.  AY is Inner Dialogue recognized or not, inside and out.  AY is Talking To Yourself.  AY creates opinions and judgements. AY can do what it does through intellect and intuition, objectively or subjectively or a mix of both. AY takes time to happen.  AY is as varied as human beings are varied.  The way we AY depends on our genes and our experience. Most important, how we AO depends on our genes and role models. AY like all the rest has three interrelated aspects. They are The Heart, The Mind and The Whole.  AY’s position on Le Wave with the rest of the Le Toonz gang is in front of LetGo and behind DoIT.  AY can come up first or last.  It depends on the person and the situation.  Most generally we think of AY as just thinking.  The most advanced form of AY is found when one asks their SELF, their ESSENCE.

The LeToonz Gang _ Described

LeToonz on LeWave…and in their respective places

Abridged Version

The “Le” in Le Toonz refers to “Learning as Evolving.  Toonz is cartoon with a Z. The Z means anything you want it to mean. The “Evolving” part refers to our development, growth and living fully each day.  It assumes that we are all disposed in a multi-faceted fashion to do something significant with our lives.  LTZ is about some serious stuff but that’s not why kids buy them.  They buy them because they are new, fun and seem to make them feel better as they begin to value that which makes them YOUniquely authenic, gift-driven “Individuals.”


And a new platform of app’s, even a psych-social philosophy of sorts, has recently emerged and demonstrates a clear alignment with the idea of intentional human evolution and YOUnique and authentic gift-based quantification, visualization and expression:

We are still missing the overall ontological framework.

LTZ is in fact a process-model that assists in the discreet and objective and measureable  identification of the complex matrix of our innate and natural gifts and dispostions AND the visualization of this natural Self over time… as our Self evolves.

It “looks” like it is meant for the K-8 consumer market, but make no mistake, what lies within these cute characters (and the complex topology (See LeCozmos) they describe over time) is a serious process-model as “evolutionary ontology. ”

Unabridged Version

LTZ is about becoming aware and acting with intention about that which is Significant about us or what we call Our SELF.  LTZ are a simple and complicated group of characters illustrating what we consider to be a universal set of interconnected, linear and nonlinear, who bring to life a universal – yet unique to the person – set of interconnected states & processes.

You’ll see what we mean by “universal yet unique” and “states and processes” later. Simply speaking LTZ is a team.  LTZ are a highly active bunch.  They work best when they work together.  They educate, coach and lead us to the 6W’s – the Who, What, Where and When, How and WHY of us.  LTZ work on many levels at the same time.  You can do many things at once in the parallel universe of LTZ.  LTZ lead us to the personal and intentionally livable discovery of what many loosely refer to as the phenomena of Synergy, a dynamic phenomenon we take very, very seriously here in LTZville.  You’ve heard about this phenomenon from a multitude of mouths.  And may even know its specific definition – the whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts. That is to say, LTZ exist to help us discover that which makes us all special and that which makes us “YOUnique”.

(You can read about all the LeToonz characters, as a system of “States and Process” in other posts within this blog – Universal and unique states such as “Flo” and “Ah-Ha” and processes such as “AskYourSelf” and “DoIt.” For example, here’s a link to the blog post about the LeToonz character and model variable called “Ah-Ha” –

LTZ represents a combination of fundamental life and living processes that every human being and every mix of human beings, from families to economies to countries, utilize every moment of their waking lives.  Yes, we think of economies as living processes in that they are based on human systems playing in real-time and overtime with each other.  The same would apply to education, politics, and ecosystems.

LTZ live in three basic and entwined dimensions:  psychological, physical and spiritual.  We assume mood and emotion operate within a combined psychophysical interpretation.  Simplifying these three in LTZville we call these the Head, Heart and Whole Self-dimensions or facets of a human being.  Each LTZ can operate and effect change through separate, combined or merged, intellectual, visceral and spiritual actions.  The optimal way to process in LTZ lingo is as a “Whole”.  This would mean that all three of the above dynamic dimensions are operating together- seamlessly.  LTZ are most alive when they are Whole.  The Whole form of LTZ activities results as a combination of the Head and Heart operating at the same time and without separation.  You don’t just think a thing you feel it as well and at the same time.  In effect when we are Whole, our Minds and Hearts (or Head and Heart) are not separate processing dimensions, they are one. 

For example, the LTZ character Ah-Ha represents the concept, moment and experience of human insight. It distinguishes those thoughts that are intellectual, objective, factual or logical, etc. from those thoughts of the heart, which are visceral emotion and deeply felt.  When an Ah-Ha occurs that combines both these dimensions of the Head and the Heart without separation, it is considered a Whole Ah-Ha. We need to have these more often and that’s an indeterminable understatement. 

Luckily as it turns out, there is no specific religious order to LTZ.  They did not come from any religious ideology.  This Self-evolving and Self-systems evolving process model which LTZ enjoyably illustrates for kids and families, can and has acted as a support vehicle for any denomination or religious order.  All the LTZ characters exist without antagonism within any ideology.  They are truly universal.

Speaking of Universal. The beauty of LTZ is found in their universal operation independent of people but existing for the sole purpose of assisting them in figuring out what makes them distinctive.  Here we see the simply complicated aspects of LTZ surface.  We can say we all learn differently yet we all learn just the same.  The idea of merging learning into one process and seeing our universality and our individual distinctiveness or Significance, is as one ongoing affair. We can say we all evolve individually yet we all evolve, more or less, just the same. LTZ operates universally to unfold that which is special about us as an individual or as a complex system of individuals.  LTZ then shows us that our distinctiveness or human-ness, and the knowing of such, is just the start of a personal life process.  In knowing what makes us different and from this, or in parallel with this, and as whole individuals, we can then begin to know most consciously and with intention what makes us whole.

On the simple side, LTZ’s are about Consciousness.  Our most basic awareness that one’s Life Purpose comes from the action of creating one’s SELF.  With the help of LTZ, our actionable awareness matures and Our Purpose unfolds best in a particular Place and Time, with Particular People doing a Particular montage of things, acting as an individual or as a group/whole.  As a key can only open a door if its specific and distinctive groves match that of the lock, so we can only open doors best together if we match up specifically with others.  It is in the matching, the complimenting, that we are bigger than we are alone where we discover real Synergy for the first time.  Through LTZ we see that Wholeness within ourselves happens on one vortex.  Wholeness with the world happens within another connected vortex. These two have to merge.  They are born and evolve in parallel yet have to merge. So, Whole Wholeness or True Purpose is appreciated and seen through LTZ as the enfolding of Wholeness within and without, the World and Us. Our Place and Time and Significance with others playing life out, lights out, in a complex tapestry of Synergistic Jazz ensembles from 2 to a 10 billion!  It is in the complimenting that we are Whole and that we Know Synergy.

Our YOUnique LeCozmos

In personal distinction-driven, gift-driven and Significance-driven teamwork true synergy happens.  Our purpose as one or as one world is only accomplished when we live true synergy.  And it never stops evolving.  It always evolves.  With the birth of each child a fresh tapestry appears and the ever-changing montage of human distinctions will remain a mystery waiting to be discovered.   Something never seen before has arrived.

This is why LTZ stands as an interpretive, context independent characters-as-model system, representing our Self and Synergy evolving human processes… LTZ is both universal in the states and processes it represents and was created and is designed to assist in the unique expression of each individual, evolving human being… as a YOUnique Self. 

It is through interpretation with a backbone, with a process skeleton, we allow ourselves to individually discover OurSelf.  Any human assessment diagnostic must be interpretive and evolving by design to give a person, or system thereof, the ability to see OurSelf(s) most clearly, fully, colorfully and potently whole as One.